Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bucket List of the Leper: Part One

I'm seriously bored on this homework-less Sunday night, so I figure it's time to start my periodical thingy that Bianca is totally the master and suggester of (see her 'annoyances'. They will make you laugh) . Even though it's a brilliant idea (thank you very much), I've decided against making a To-Do list out of my blog, just because I want to spare Mr. Grdinic's poor soul. YOU'RE WELCOME. >:[

So, instead of doing what I WANTED to do, I'll settle for a brilliant suggestion that was made to me by Bianca (since all of her suggestions are brilliant, that first bit goes without saying, but I still said it, so HA) which was to make a 'bucket list' of sorts. Obviously, I reallllllllllllllllly hope I'm not about to die or anything, I'd just like to plan all the things that I want to do before I kick. Once again, I must state I HOPE THAT'S NOT SOON but still. I want to make the list. Just for fun. Yay.

And now, to start off the list, before I die, I want to:


Because it can't be right anyway. Illogical. See "Quantum Whateverics". So yes, I shall do that. I can't wait to have enough free time to actually do that. Leave me alone.


  1. theres no need to say this b/c its been already said a cuple seconds ago but...TUCKER U R HILARIOUS

  2. OK OK OK. you know what makes your blog ridiculously fantastic? the fact that i am mentioned xD. jk, but thanks for the mention. And thats a great thing to periodically talk about, yes my idea but its also your list which is amazing.

    See ya tomorrow chem/blogger/life buddy. <33

    tuckertheleper X]
    i wonder if we can get grdinic to comment on our blogalogs...



  4. OMG I wanted him to comment on thum toooo. I could totally bug him lots and lots.

    And I love yours too, it's so teh cute! jaizee. I GEDDIT. Like your initials. ICWATUDIDTHER xDDD
