Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nucular Power Debate

Wait, I forgot. The government will no longer refer to nuclear power as nucular power, so forgive the misspelling in the title. The fact that Bush is leaving must've slipped my mind. Sorry.

Yes, that was my attempt at being funny. I can see it didn't work.

Anywho, let's get to the debate.

Random Person 1: Nuclear power is good!

Random Person 2: Nuclear power is bad!

Alex: I agree with...?

I actually am not exactly sure which I support. I understand that it's much better for the environment which will save generations to come, but if there's nuclear waste lying around everywhere and there's some sort of accident with it, those future-generationers will be dead anyway, or else have radiation poisoning which could be worse. Especially when you become scary looking and cannibalistic. See Hills Have Eyes. (Or spare yourself and don't).

I guess I'm for it, though. I mean, selfish as this sounds, it's not like it'll be affecting me or my children or even, most likely, my grandchildren. I actually think that humans will find a way to destroy the earth before the nuclear waste reaches its half life. And as long as its tucked away in some mountain somewhere, it really shouldn't be a problem, should it? So yes, we should use nuclear power. It's more efficient and less harmful to the ozone and other parts of our environment. And of course it doesn't last forever, but nothing else does either, so why are we getting upset about that? Time to start using nuclear power. Yay!

MR. G--If you're still reading this bit of ridiculousness, I like the smiley faces on the little steam things in the picture. Cute xD


  1. Ahahahahah i love the stab at bush. your attempt at humor was indeed successful your reward is...SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW and..YOU GET TO SEE ME. YAY YOU.

  2. Well, I like the second part of that reward, but eh on the first. it won't happen. Stupid A-Days. At least I have you to make up for my lack of you-know-who on my A-Days. Yay you!

    And yay you getting my humor! I love being hilarious xD

  3. I'm sorry, but your post isn't flannery enough for me.

  4. I'm really sorry, Connor. I'll flannery it up for next time.

    Btw, should that be capitalized or not?

  5. just throw a few OH-MA-GAWD's in there and it'll be better.

    good question, only if you're talking about Mr. Flannery should it be capitalized. otherwise keep it lower case. this way it'll be more generally used because people won't have to worry about capitalizing it.

  6. The waste is safe unless an Earthquake or Volcano is in the area of Yucca mountain. I think itll be fine.

    And besides... have you seen what coal is doing to china? I like the alternative better.
