Thursday, January 1, 2009

Unhappy New Year, Bucket List, and Many More!

So happy New Year, everyone. Or not. I don't really understand why anyone celebrates New Year's Eve. It's nothing to be happy about, other than the fact that, yes, you did indeed survive another full year. Congratulations.

I feel quite differently, actually, because to me, New Years is the fact that life is just progressing and another year slipped under your nose without you realizing how quickly time goes by. Let's say you had a great goal, something work related, or maybe about a relationship, that you set for "next year", until you realize that 365 days goes far faster than you expected. When you don't accomplish this goal, do you feel like a loser? You really shouldn't, because "there's always next year", but everybody does.

No matter how you look at it, the world is full of "half-empty, not half-full" people. On New Years, you think about the possibility that there might not be a "next year" for there to always be. Well, it might not be everyone who feels that way, but I'm sure quite a few people do. Us planners do. Or schemers, as the Joker might put it.

Now that I've completely spoiled your New Years day, I'll add something to the Bucket List.

Write a book.

Not a fictional book; I can't pull off stuff like that, my imagination is blah. I mean, I'd like to write a fiction novel because they seem to get all of the attention, but I'm much more suited for non-fiction. See my Quantum Whateverics post and you'll see that I'm a logical, fact-loving person. Non-fiction is horribly boring to read, but if Mr. Grdinic reads it for fun, others must too, right?

On a different note, happy birthday to Leper! I know I'm a little late, but it's not like I was relying on myself to tell myself happy birthday on time or else, obviously. I had a good birthday for everyone who cares (a.k.a. nobody). I got everything I wanted and was able to get my license just a few days later (the DMV was closed on my birthday) so I suggest you all stay off the roads for a while if you want to keep your lives safe so that you have the "always next year" excuse at least once more.

Since I continue to be bored, I'm going to tell you all about my nerd-tastic New Years Day. Once again, I know you all care, so shut it. Today, my father and I watched all three Lord of the Rings movies back to back, but took breaks in between each one to watch some Twilight Zone episodes. Yes, I do have a headache, and yes, it was completely worth it. The combined genius of J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson really makes my life worthwhile.

Speaking of which, since J.R.R. happens to have no more "next years", may he rest in peace, it seems like all of the good authors are either dead or "on break" for a few years or something. Don't they realize what this means for all of us who have nothing to do when they're supposed to be doing homework and are bored with facebook? Common, my dear authors, be creative. It's your job, if I may remind you, to entertain us, and Harry Potter is only good so many times (LIELIELIELIE ITS GOOD EVERYYYYTIME). So this is me begging you, JKR and Scott Westerfeld especially, sit down and write something. KTHX.

That just about wraps it up. Thank you for wasting your time reading this, if you did. If not, well then you wouldn't really be able to see this at the moment, would you, so this is just pointless babbling. Yeah, I should probably get a life soon. Okay, I'll go look for one. Until next time, (which should be soon considering how long I've put off writing about nuclear power), I'm out. Happy New Years. Right...


  1. hey Hey HEY. I care that you had a good birthday therefore EVERYONE cares that you had a good birthday. I'm glad you got all that you wanted so YAY FOR YOU!! As for you wanting to write a non-fiction book...yea I'm not gonna lie I'll probably not read it. Sorry to Mr. G, but NF books are meant to be skimmed and copied from, not read for fun. But hey i will totally keep it on the book shelf and be like, "Yeah see this book? I know who wrote it." And then there will be various oohs and aahs not because my life was more enlightened by the abundance of information that you have provided the world in a neatly bound form, but because i know YOU. I can be vastly superior and the life of the party simply because i know the author that is you. So you make life better, just thought you should know.

    As for new year. Ha. Tis a joke. This year will be the same as the last, people will achieve, people will lose, people will die, people will live. Hopes will be shattered, dreams broken, hugs given and chocolate eaten. And through all the bad we will balance it out by shooting firework hearts into the air and gathering in times square to watch i ridiculously huge ball go down. And i agree, it is just a reminder of all teh time slipping past us. Better make sure i dont blink.

  2. Haha, yes because we've already established the fact that Bianca=Everyone (that matters). Why are you so funny? Yeah, you shouldn't feel obligated to read my non-fic book, because I wouldn't read anything like it unless I had to for school or work or if it was titled "Effective Ways of Seduction" or something like that. But you'd better have it on the shelf. I'll check regularly, SO DON'T TRY TO TRICK ME >:D <-he looks scarier with the ebil smile!

    Ah, how nice it is when someone agrees with me. I can't wait for New Years Eve 2010, thinking "wow, it seems like it was just about to be 2009!" like we say every year. Growl. So pointless. I wish there was a smiley for eye rolling :-/
