Sunday, April 26, 2009

Earth Day

So, Earth Day. I know that a lot of people don't see the purpose of Earth Day, especially now that we're in high school and none of the teachers (besides, apparently, Mr. Grdinic) make a big deal about it. I'm not sure where I stand; I know that we should care about the earth, especially on Earth Day, but many of us don't.

The most I thought about Earth Day on Earth Day was when I saw the Google home page, which looked remarkable. That's basically all that mattered to me, terrible as it sounds. I suppose that Earth Day is a bit of a waste; I think that people should be "green" everyday, not just one day of the year. It's not like people are made aware of the earth and its problems on Earth Day. Unless everyone watches The Inconvenient Truth simultaneously, nobody is really learning anything about the earth. However, I did catch that Nickelodean was doing a BLACKOUT, during which you were supposed to turn off your lights and stuff, on Earth Day, which I thought was nice. I didn't participate, obviously, but it was the thought that counted, right?

No. You see, we all have the wrong mentality. Because we're all spoiled and don't care about the world. Or maybe that's just us in the Bubble. I don't know, I just know that I don't care, and that I should care, and hope I'm not the only one who feels that way...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Motivation and Science

I'll be quite honest: The only thing that motivates me to do well in chem class is getting good grades. Well, that's not all, I guess, I also like to impress my peers (with whom I'm very competitive, even if we are friends) and as always, Mr. Grdinic. But it really is mostly grades. I don't really have a passion for any of the sciences that I've taken so far so I don't think I'll be majoring anywhere near that area, so the whole "learning" thing isn't what I'm focusing on.

No offence, Mr. G, but there definitely are some classes where I'm motivated by learning and...other things. Math, for example, is something I'm really interested in and a subject that I want to be part of my future. I also really enjoy history, obviously, not only because it's an interesting topic but because there are...other factors...which motivate best...and impress said other factors.

However, for the most part, the only factor that motivates me is grades and everything related (GPA, colleges, etc.) I wish it were different but it's really not. Too bad. It's still motivation enough to get pretty good grades so I'm happy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Science and Politic, apparently

Um. Science and politics? Like, stem cell research. To me, that's the biggest mixture of science and politics. It's a major topic separating conservatives and liberals, which is pretty politics-y, right? Um, do you want my opinion on this, Grdinic? Wow broad topics suck. IDK WHAT TO WRITE. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that I support stem cell research because guess what? The baby is already dead (or is about to be), so why waste all of its special information that will help save other babies? I should probably stop there or I might go into a rant about my anti-Republicanism. The only conservative thing I totally support is OMG DEATH PENELTY because I don't really want to spend money on the life on somebody who totally committed a terrible crime and robbed others of lives. Robbers, graffitiers, murders, just kill everyone. Gosh, the world will not only be a better place, but we'll actually have room for GOOD people.

Shut up, Alex. Nobody cares about your opinion. See what you did with this open-ended question, Grdinic? It's all your fault.

Anyway, over and out I suppose, since I have nothing more to contribute.

P.S. to Mr. Grdinic. Broad topics are actually really bad. Hence the uselessness of this post. Maybe a specific would be better, for the future? KTHX.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Me and Bianca is Funny

Okay, so I just want to let the world know that Bianca of the B^2's Bloggizzle blog is funny. Check our her blog or you shall never be fulfilled with either happiness or laughter. She picks the best topics and makes everything seem really great, even if its pointless and stupid.

Anyway, bucket list update!

Join the U.S. Army.

This is something that I've been pretty passionate about for like...four or five months. Considering my relatively short life (so far), that's a very long time. Well, not a very long time, but it's still a while. So, if I don't actually get married to some rich, Jewish guy right after college, I shall definitely join the military and meet the husband there. Just joking. NOT.

So here's a funny joke that I totally came up with myself. Let's assume that you know that Gary Oldman played both Sirius Black in Harry Potter and Commissioner Gordon in the Dark Knight, for which the tag line was "Why So Serious?"

WELL...had I been on the set with Gary Oldman during the Dark Knight, I would've asked him "WHY SO SIRIUS" all day, every day. Forever. (cue Spongebob in Squidward's head chiming 'Forever. Forever. Forever.')

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nucular Power Debate

Wait, I forgot. The government will no longer refer to nuclear power as nucular power, so forgive the misspelling in the title. The fact that Bush is leaving must've slipped my mind. Sorry.

Yes, that was my attempt at being funny. I can see it didn't work.

Anywho, let's get to the debate.

Random Person 1: Nuclear power is good!

Random Person 2: Nuclear power is bad!

Alex: I agree with...?

I actually am not exactly sure which I support. I understand that it's much better for the environment which will save generations to come, but if there's nuclear waste lying around everywhere and there's some sort of accident with it, those future-generationers will be dead anyway, or else have radiation poisoning which could be worse. Especially when you become scary looking and cannibalistic. See Hills Have Eyes. (Or spare yourself and don't).

I guess I'm for it, though. I mean, selfish as this sounds, it's not like it'll be affecting me or my children or even, most likely, my grandchildren. I actually think that humans will find a way to destroy the earth before the nuclear waste reaches its half life. And as long as its tucked away in some mountain somewhere, it really shouldn't be a problem, should it? So yes, we should use nuclear power. It's more efficient and less harmful to the ozone and other parts of our environment. And of course it doesn't last forever, but nothing else does either, so why are we getting upset about that? Time to start using nuclear power. Yay!

MR. G--If you're still reading this bit of ridiculousness, I like the smiley faces on the little steam things in the picture. Cute xD

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Unhappy New Year, Bucket List, and Many More!

So happy New Year, everyone. Or not. I don't really understand why anyone celebrates New Year's Eve. It's nothing to be happy about, other than the fact that, yes, you did indeed survive another full year. Congratulations.

I feel quite differently, actually, because to me, New Years is the fact that life is just progressing and another year slipped under your nose without you realizing how quickly time goes by. Let's say you had a great goal, something work related, or maybe about a relationship, that you set for "next year", until you realize that 365 days goes far faster than you expected. When you don't accomplish this goal, do you feel like a loser? You really shouldn't, because "there's always next year", but everybody does.

No matter how you look at it, the world is full of "half-empty, not half-full" people. On New Years, you think about the possibility that there might not be a "next year" for there to always be. Well, it might not be everyone who feels that way, but I'm sure quite a few people do. Us planners do. Or schemers, as the Joker might put it.

Now that I've completely spoiled your New Years day, I'll add something to the Bucket List.

Write a book.

Not a fictional book; I can't pull off stuff like that, my imagination is blah. I mean, I'd like to write a fiction novel because they seem to get all of the attention, but I'm much more suited for non-fiction. See my Quantum Whateverics post and you'll see that I'm a logical, fact-loving person. Non-fiction is horribly boring to read, but if Mr. Grdinic reads it for fun, others must too, right?

On a different note, happy birthday to Leper! I know I'm a little late, but it's not like I was relying on myself to tell myself happy birthday on time or else, obviously. I had a good birthday for everyone who cares (a.k.a. nobody). I got everything I wanted and was able to get my license just a few days later (the DMV was closed on my birthday) so I suggest you all stay off the roads for a while if you want to keep your lives safe so that you have the "always next year" excuse at least once more.

Since I continue to be bored, I'm going to tell you all about my nerd-tastic New Years Day. Once again, I know you all care, so shut it. Today, my father and I watched all three Lord of the Rings movies back to back, but took breaks in between each one to watch some Twilight Zone episodes. Yes, I do have a headache, and yes, it was completely worth it. The combined genius of J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson really makes my life worthwhile.

Speaking of which, since J.R.R. happens to have no more "next years", may he rest in peace, it seems like all of the good authors are either dead or "on break" for a few years or something. Don't they realize what this means for all of us who have nothing to do when they're supposed to be doing homework and are bored with facebook? Common, my dear authors, be creative. It's your job, if I may remind you, to entertain us, and Harry Potter is only good so many times (LIELIELIELIE ITS GOOD EVERYYYYTIME). So this is me begging you, JKR and Scott Westerfeld especially, sit down and write something. KTHX.

That just about wraps it up. Thank you for wasting your time reading this, if you did. If not, well then you wouldn't really be able to see this at the moment, would you, so this is just pointless babbling. Yeah, I should probably get a life soon. Okay, I'll go look for one. Until next time, (which should be soon considering how long I've put off writing about nuclear power), I'm out. Happy New Years. Right...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

BLotL: Part 2

So yes, here I am again, continuing my bucket list of vengance! Not really, but yeah. Here's the second part of this hopefully huge list. <--Nerd.

Shave all of my hair off.

I know, it's a really weird thing to aspire to do, but it's something I've always wanted to do. Especially now that I've already cut mine so it's pretty short. Not short enough, obviously. And even though I've been totally forbidden from cutting it shorter than chin-length, I will someday be rid of all of it (insert evil laughter)!